JoJo Blox Wiki

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JoJo Blox Wiki

"Don't besmirch our duel, JoJo!"

— Wamuu

Wamuu is the boss of Ice Island. He is considered the easiest boss of the game. Unlike the other bosses, you have to accept a quest and be the one to defeat him to obtain any significant reward. His name is misspelled on the NPC, but spelled correctly in the quest to fight him. He does regular and strong attacks.

There is another Wamuu that appears in Morioh in a random location that you have to find for the Kars Easter Egg. Clicking on him with the Aja Stone Mask teleports you to the Kars fight.

Respawn Time: 5 Minutes

Damage: 108 regular, 300 strong

Cash: 245

EXP: 9700

Points: 12
