JoJo Blox Wiki

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JoJo Blox Wiki

My stats/level if you're wondering.

Level 426

Health - 350

Stamina - 750

Genre - 0 (Stronghold)

Lets say I were to shoot a single target that has no passive cancels, not moving, no damage reduction, and no server lag.

D4C Clone Damage

At the moment, with no skins on, my Max Enchant D4C does 753.3 damage per 1 shot. Four clones doing 753.3 damage per second comes to be 3013.2 damage per second (753.3 x 4 = 3031.2). Since the clones last for 7 seconds, it would be 21092.4 damage per 7 seconds (3031.2 x 7 = 21092.4).

D4C Requiem Clone Damage

At the moment, with no skins on, my D4CR does 195.3 damage per 1 shot. Twelve clones doing 195.3 damage per second equals 2342.6 damage per second (195.3 x 12 = 2343.6). Since the clones last for 7 seconds, it would be 16398.2 damage per 7 seconds (2342.6 x 7 = 16398.2).

True D4C Clone Damage

At the moment, with no skins on, my True D4C does 279 damage per 1 shot. Twelve clones doing 279 damage per second equals 3348 damage per second. (279 x 12 = 3348). Since the clones last for 7 seconds, it would be 23436 damage per 7 seconds. (3348 x 7 = 23436).

This is only 1 shot per second, but most clones do usually 2-3 shots per second. So this won't be 100% accurate for everyone.
