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JoJo Blox Wiki

"My heart resonates, heat enough to burn, my blood's beat is razor sharp, Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!"

— Jonathan Joestar

Hamon is the Combat Ability that you start out with. It has three moves, two of which do not currently work as of now. Hamon also has an Ultimate ability, but it is currently broken.


[Click] Basic Attack

Low speed punches and kick, that do low damage.

[Q] Overdrive Punch (Level 10, 15 second recharge, costs 30 stamina)

The user sends a large punch using Hamon. It functions similarly to a Stand Punch.

[E] Overdrive Slam (Level 20, 16 second recharge, costs 50 stamina)

The user slams on the ground using Hamon, knocking back enemies that are nearby.

[R] Hamon Heal (Level 30, 19 second recharge, costs 65 stamina)

Ability that recovers 10% HP instantly then rapidly heals you for 6 seconds, amounting to about 23% total health healed.

[Z] Sunlight Yellow Overdrive (Level 1, 160 second recharge, costs 0 stamina)

Hamon's ultimate attack, the user does a barrage that rapidly damages enemies.
